Help spread VITAL information rather than misleading information:
Vitamin C does NOT work against the virus (see here) , it does NOT even work against the common cold
Zinc does NOT decrease mortality in covid-19 patients who receive ICU hospital treatment (see here), it does work against the common cold though. However it can have bad side effects particularly if the balance of Zinc and Copper is not optimal. So we do not recommend these supplements.
Vitamin D on the other hand does work miracles against Covid-19 on every level (see below)
Please take this seriously and forward this website to all the people you know & care for
Vitamin D is the miracle drug when it comes to Covid-19 (from spread prevention to emergency handling)
Here is the scientific evidence (97% effective for people already sick)
We need your help to stop the suffering and save lives by taking part in the Health Casa campaign (without any cost to you)
You too can take part in the Health Casa campaign to save the world from Covid-19
It is important that the right and not the wrong information is spread and that people can read about the studies this advice is based on.
Simply forward the link to this site with a convincing message to everyone you know.
We advice governments and large corporations on the best response to the ongoing Covid-19 crises
Guaranteed successful or your money back
Success is measured both in economic and health terms
Advice to individuals is free
The Scientific Evidence that Vitamin-D works against Covid-19
For hospitalized patients a randomized pilot study showed that for those that received what is otherwise called the best available treatment but did not receive (Calcifediol - a Vitamin D derivative) they were 2600% more likely to develop Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome and hence the need to be placed in Intensive care. If it was a question about a few percentage points then one might doubt the significance, but this study showed an absolute overwhelming difference!
Here is a link to the actual study in The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2020): 105751 called "Effect of Calcifediol Treatment and best Available Therapy versus best Available Therapy on Intensive Care Unit Admission and Mortality Among Patients Hospitalized for COVID-19: A Pilot Randomized Clinical study"
Here is a link to a discussion of this and 20 other studies in a more readable format by
Not only is Vitamin-D very effective in handling hospitalized covid-19 patients as described above, but it is very effective in helping people to avoid having to be hospitalized in the first place.
A study published in the JAMA Network Open suggests that Vitamin-D decreases people's chances of catching Covid-19. Here is a link to the study, called "Association of Vitamin D Status and Other Clinical Characteristics With COVID-19 Test Results"
Here is a link to a discussion by about this study.
Another study found a epidemiological correlation with Vitamin-D levels and Covid-19
Here is a link to the study in the Irish Medical journal called "Vitamin D and Inflammation: Potential Implications for Severity of Covid-19"
Here is a link to our own discussion further down this page about this aspect
Other Evidence about Vitamin-D effectiveness against Covid-19
The darker the skin the less Vitamin-D is produced from sunbathing.
When darker skin is coupled with less exposure to the sun, because of more clothing and more time indoors, people of color are especially vulnerable to severe Vitamin-D deficiencies.
It became clear early on during the Pandemic that people of color where especially vulnerable to Covid-19.
It was reported that most of the people in New York who where affected where Black or Puerto Ricans.
It was reported that most of the people in Sweden severely affected by Covid-19 where Female Somalian immigrants. In their case lack of exposure to the sun is compounded by full body covering. See photo.
It has been reported that Texas was hit especially hard. What most people do not realize is that the majority of people in Houston (one of the biggest cities in America) are black. The media has suggested that people of color are hit hard because they are poor. That may be a factor but is likely way exaggerated. Black people in Texas have a considerably lower cost of living but earn on average 50% more than the average German (who are mostly white).
Only two countries have their milk fortified with a huge dose of Vitamin-D
The United States where this fortification of milk is enough to reduce the impact on white people but not enough for black people for the reasons discussed above.
Finland is the other country and when measured per capita it is doing 4-5 times better than other countries which have similar social distancing policies in place such as Ireland and The Netherlands.
Some other countries have milk supplemented with vitamin D but with a lower dosage.
Countries with very high fish consumption are doing better
Countries where fish consumption is above 1 kg per week per person are doing much better. In this case there appears to be a threshold that needs to be reached, so even where average weekly consumption is 850 grams, fatalities can be high. In other words to get enough Vitamin-D from fish one needs to eat extreme amounts.
Nations where fish consumption is above 50 kg per year have had much better success in dealing with the Coronavirus. These are The Maldives, Greenland, Faro Islands, Iceland, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Macao, South Korea, Portugal, Norway, Japan, and Myanmar.
See and
We suggest that in countries where there is such a culture of eating a lot of fish, this tradition extends to the diet of the most vulnerable, that is to the older generations. Sadly in some countries this tradition may have been broken as fish has become too expensive to be affordable in elderly care e.g. in Spain and Northern Italy.
More on the Epidemiological correlation between Vitamin-D and Covid-19
Nordic countries where found to be doing better, especially Norway, Iceland, Faro Islands and Greenland. These countries have a tradition of high usage of Vitamin-D rich Cod Liver Oil. Unfortunately this tradition is not fully kept up by independent adults, so even these countries could be doing better.
(Iceland showed a high infection rate but low fatality rate but this country was doing the most extensive testing early on in the pandemic. )
The greater the exposure to the sun the greater the bodies own synthesis of Vitamin-D from the sun. The bad side effect is increased risk of skin cancer. The good effect is the reduced risk of all other types of cancer, reduced risk of Multiple Sclerosis and Osteoporosis and now clearly reduced risk from getting sick from Covid-19.
The problem is that the bad effect is so much on peoples minds in areas that have lots of sun (most people know of someone who got skin cancer) that people do not get enough sun exposure through their skin because of UV protection or sun avoidance to be able to synthesize enough Vitamin-D except during high summer; not even enough to last them into the Autumn season. Also people in these areas also those that are classified as white, have a darker complexion than people living further north and people in elderly care lack the sun because there are not enough resources (people / facilities) to enable them to go as much outside. This lack of seasonal Vitamin-D is confirmed by studies. Thus regions such as Northern Italy and Spain have been severely affected. See the reference in the related point above above.
There is a certain correlation between seasons and those countries most badly affected.
As we were heading into summer in the Northern Hemisphere countries far south such as Chili and South Africa showed more cases. Now that we are heading into Autumn there is an increase in cases in the Northern Hemisphere.
Differences between other countries might be explained by Vitamin-D supplements given to the elderly
Germany has been doing approximately 4 times better than France in terms of fatalities despite a similar infection rate. Maybe this is because the elderly in Germany more frequently get a Vitamin-D supplement.
Lock-downs have not been as successful as hoped
When lock-downs and somewhat misguided advice keeps people from being in the sun it results in peoples own reduced synthesis of Vitamin-D from the sun. Thus in a certain way lock-downs may be counter productive. In any case once the areas open up again and are subject to influx from other areas, e.g. when borders open these regions are not only back to square one but have a population that is even more vulnerable.
Further advice regarding Vitamin-D intake
** E.g. cod liver oil. This can be taken daily or weekly. It stores in the body so if you take more one day you can skip another day. Be aware that you can take too much and that you might reach the threshold for Vitamin-A (which is also in Cod Liver Oil) before you reach the threshold for Vitamin-D, depending on the manufacturer. Some cod liver oil is fortified with Vitamin-D to reduce the imbalance between Vitamin-A and Vitamin-D. A diet rich in Vitamin-K or supplemental Vitamin-K might be advisable. Consult your doctor. If your doctor is not aware of the relationship between Vitamin-D and Covid-19 ask him to review the evidence.
*** Aside from Vitamin-D. Blood thinners have been shown to have a positive effect on people severely sick from Covid-19 (but not nearly as clear as with Vitamin-D) . Cod liver oil also contains a blood thinner in the form of Omega-3. Blood thinners are controversial and have often failed to show increased life longevity. Too much Omega-3 is also associated with too clean digestive and blood systems with potential heart and dementia implications. So it may be wise to balance Omega-3 (included in fish liver oil - if you take Vitamin-D on its own you might want to also make sure you get enough Omega-3, e.g. by cooking with Rapeseed Oil, but don't over do it, be sure to get enough Omega-6 (found in Sunflower oil) and Omega-9 which is not essential but not bad either and can be found in Olive Oil. If you are getting unusual bruises it may be a sign you are taking to much Omega-3.
**** Increases your risk of skin cancer but reduces your risk of all other cancers, MS and Osteoporosis. Don't over do it, avoid sun burn. It may be advisable not just to rely on your bodies own synthesis of Vitamin-D through exposure to the sun but also take it as a supplement in its pure form or as cod liver oil as mentioned before.
***** Don't rely only on the magic formula but live sensibly and continue to observe social distancing while it is deemed prudent to do so.
➣ Please click on the arrows on the right throughout the rest of this page to get more information about each point ⇓
How can it be that there is a remedy but people don't spread the news?
Everything is everybody else's fault. The media, the pharma industry, the bats, the government's of deceit, the politicians, Xi, The Real Donald, Putin, Lukashenko, Macron, Bolsonaro, Netanyahu, MBS, BoJo, Merkel and even Bill Gates.
But what do you do when you have a chance to help save millions of lives?
Do you just say its their fault and hit the back button?
Can you not spare a few minutes to use your common sense to evaluate the evidence above that there really is a magic solution to covid-19
Do you say to yourself? It's not my problem even if in your heart you would not like your relatives, friends, acquaintances, the old, people of color or indeed anybody to suffer.
And make no doubt about it, covid-19 is causing immense suffering economically and through death and illness. Even for people who don't get very ill or who recover: The damage to human organs is unquantifiable.
Do you say to yourself if there really was a miracle solution it would be common knowledge by now? In reality, it is taking way too long for this vital information to spread. And you, yes you, can make a difference.
The best doctors are already applying the magic recipe and hopefully eventually this will be common knowledge.
But the faster this information spreads the better. In the meantime this preventable suffering continues.
We are not asking you to take the "medicine" in blind faith. Anybody can ask their doctor. But unfortunately most doctors are not aware so they may well need to research it themselves.
The medicine is so cheap and commonly available that it will hardly make anybody rich. (Maybe that is the problem). No one has a direct vested interest in spreading this information.
Some would call it a conspiracy theory but there are very powerful interests that don't mind when stock markets or countries go haywire (collapse) for in these circumstances these people make a fortune. But we don't have to rely on their controlled media. We can spread the knowledge ourselves and that heavily depends on people like you.
The more this information spreads the more likely some honest media, politicians and famous people will pick up on it. (We hereby encourage them to contact us).
Aside from spreading the word we would also like
We would like to help government's put in place a recovery plan. Please send us the contact information of anybody and especially the highest ranking officials and politicians in your country.
Do YOU care?
A lot of species are under threat of extinction because of mans greed!
The very least you can do is to spread the word and say you care by joining:
Biodiversity Vision ← click here to see the beautiful website, register and forward
Why this site was made
For your convenience we have taken together some helpful advice. Generally based on what the authorities are saying but with some additional potent common sense advice.
Rather than just keep the information to myself and the people closest to me I decided to share it with as many people as possible by creating this website. I hope you will appreciate it and it will help you and as many people as possible to stay safe. Please help me help others by forwarding the link to this website to as many people as possible and by encouraging them to do the same.
There are other remedies that do not make sense too us
We are aware that Zinc is effective against the common cold but at a high price as Zinc damages the copper in the heart
We have not seen any evidence that the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine is effective and it also seems to be dangerous to the heart health
Other hormones such as Dexamethasone seem to be effective but not as much as Dihydrotachysterol, better known as D-Vitamin.
It is understandable but regrettable that you might not take this advice to heart, because you have been hearing all your life some rubbish about another vitamin. Vitamin-C does not cure the common cold. In fact some bacteria like it and other bacteria do not like it. So with Vitamin-C it is not really true. But with D-Vitamin and pneumonia, including the life threatening covid-19 induced pneumonia there is really a prevention factor.
Covid-19 has in general not gone away
Restrictions are being eased and we see people being careless on TV, but don't let that fool you.
Most countries have not eliminated the virus and even if they have, they will soon be back at square one as they lift travel restrictions from other countries and they will be battling the so called second and third waves, etc. The way the term is being used one can say that these subsequent waves are often hitting before the first wave has fully retreated.
As restrictions are being eased the problem is that people think that there is no danger now.
But why are restrictions nevertheless being eased. It is because the economic costs are too high to continue with the restrictions as discussed in the article "Politicians all over the world are guilty of High Street Robbery" This high economic cost also translates into life's being lost not not least in the third world (see this other article).
What the politicians don't tell you is that they have failed you by:
Not being fast enough to prevent the virus from getting a foot hold
That they then reacted with badly designed lockdowns that caused too much indirect damage
it was kind of all for nothing when the restrictions were inevitably lifted again
without the situation being all that different
and even worse because people are getting a a false sense of security
How can I be so critical when it looks like they were only trying to do what was right? Because it was clear right from the beginning that
the indirect cost of these restrictions would be too high
that these restrictions could not be held long enough and were an exercise in futility when it was obvious we would be back at square one
that the virus would not completely go away
that not only hygiene matters but also healthy living . It was clear right from the beginning that those most at risk had other illnesses and that by promoting healthy lifestyle some life's could be saved and yet most administrations did nothing to emphasis this fact
it was soon apparent that D-vitamin makes a difference yet this has not been sufficiently acted upon. It is not so difficult to provide D-vitamin supplements in the form of fish liver oil or otherwise especially for those most at risk, for the elderly, the black and colored. Or to encourage people to take in some sun WITHOUT UV protection so that the body can synthesize its own D-vitamin.
So what can you do if the governments are failing you. Follow the advice on this page and take part in the campaign.
In summary what can governments do better
keep giving the right advice, use the media, ask famous people to present the advice
expand on the advice to include a healthier lifestyle, for best results, enough sleep, avoid pollution and excess calories, no smoking, no alcohol and drugs etc
expand on that advice to take D-vitamin
make it clear that it is even more important for black, colored and the elderly
keep on encouraging people to cut out unnecessary touch and travel, meaning no handshakes, more home office (make it easier for employees to demand home office and for employers to allow / enable it)
employ our services to help make national policy that makes sense both in health and economic terms - Email us at
policy that avoids the mistakes but combines the best policies from successful countries like Iceland, Switzerland and Taiwan
The more people see this website and take this information to heart the more people will be saved
...just keep on forwarding
...eventually policy makers will take notice too
➣ Please click on the arrows that can be found on the right throughout this article to get more information about each point ⇓
Killer Governments
This headline is not nice but unfortunately it applies to a lot of governments these days for the governments have out of ignorance made the coronavirus situation worse.
It turns out that the coronavirus is a lot less deadly than the normal flu if peoples D-Vitamin levels are kept up and people are encouraged to embrace a healthier lifestyle.
The following rules are/were counter productive
to make people stay indoors
to limit their time outdoors directly
to limit their time outdoors indirectly, by allowing jogging but not walking
to make it less fun to be outdoors, by restricting how far away from ones home one can go
to make any rules without advising people to take care of their D-Vitamin levels
to make any rules without emphasizing the importance of healthier lifestyle, to avoid stress, sleeplessness, overwork, obesity, smoke, drugs and alcohol
to make rules that do not make economic sense
to make rules that set a bad example and are even more deadly elsewhere i.e. in third world countries
to mislead people about the success of their policies by not counting the immense stress and suffering and indeed ultimately the policy generated deaths
Deadly Stress and Hunger
The policies have resulted in
huge unemployment
tremendous job insecurity
massive drop in the demand and the supply of goods and services - locally
and internationally
which in turn may lead to an additional death toll of 300 000 per day from hunger
Everybody will pay for a long time to come
It is normal people who will continue to pay ultimately by way of
less earnings
higher taxes
a reduction in government services
and inflation
because the policies where too harsh and were missing in what would have made the greatest difference (D-Vitamin and healthy living)
Some will pay even a higher price
people who do not have a safety net
businesses especially smaller businesses
businesses that are put at a competitive disadvantage because they are not favored by governments' handouts
It is sad when people loose everything
No matter from which level they fall
Poor people who have hardly anything are loosing everything when they loose their livelihood
People who have built up a nest egg, a small or big fortune with hard work also loose everything when that nest egg or fortune is wiped out
Country Examples
If we were to take a deep statistical look, almost anywhere one would be able to demonstrate the connection between D-Vitamin and the severity of the Coronavirus cases. In this article, we will have to make do with a few examples. (Note that when comparing Vitamin-D levels one really needs to look at figures that exclude summer, because during this season people and especially people of color suffer less from Vitamin-D shortages. Estimates of D-Vitamin intake will give a good indication of if a country is generally doing good, but, as discussed elsewhere, people of color would need more)
United States
Doing really good and doing really bad
In the States about 30 000 people die annually from the normal flu.
Only 2000 covid-19 deaths for people not suffering from severe D-Vitamin shortages.
The rest of the deaths are for people with severe D-Vitamin shortages. These deaths will soon reach 98 000.
Milk in the United States is heavily fortified with D-Vitamin so people are not as badly affected from D-Vitamin shortages as in many other countries. However the people who need that healthy milk the most, the adult black community, consume on average only half the amount as do others. Milk consumption for people over 50 is also less for all ethnicities.*
In the US, a form of genocide is taking place
The majority of the deaths are of Black and Latin Americans. Without D-Vitamin supplements, these groups are much more vulnerable for having a D-Vitamin shortage, also because their skin does not allow for as much UV absorption which is necessary for the body's own synthesis of D-Vitamin. These people are hit hard when living at such a northerly latitude, especially off-summer, where people are a lot inside and under layers of cloths when they do get out.
Doing really good
Finland is the only other country with heavily fortified milk. D-Vitamin intake is around 10.5 and 16.5 µg for old people.
Death rate from the Coronavirus is 0.005%
Not doing so good WITHOUT lockdown
But showing that a without harsh methods they can still cope.
D-Vitamin intake is about 7 µg
Death rate from the Coronavirus is about 0.04%. About 8 times more than in Finland.
Almost a total SUCCESS WITHOUT lockdown
This demonstrates that success is possible without lockdown.
Other countries where businesses remained opened and have been shown to be successful include South Korea and Japan. (These countries are also high fish consumers.)
People were allowed to go out all the time and almost all businesses remained open.
D-Vitamin intake around 4.2 µg Fish consumption is among the highest in the world around 90 kg per year.
Death rate about 0.003% (The extra 0 is not a typo for Iceland and Finland. They are doing so much better)
Doing good without severe lockdown
Death rate from the Coronavirus is about 0.02%
Doing good with less lockdown
D-Vitamin intake is around 3.8 µg
Death rate from the Coronavirus is about 0.01%
Note that this is about one sixth of what it is in Spain. Their D-Vitamin intake is also more than 500% higher.
Doing really bad despite severe lockdown
D-Vitamin intake is only 0.7 µg
Death rate from the Coronavirus is about 0.06%
Doing rather good with lockdown
Fish consumption is 34% greater than in Spain
Death rate from the Coronavirus is about 0.01%
Doing really bad despite severe lockdown
D-Vitamin intake is only 2.4 µg
Death rate from the Coronavirus is about 0.05%
Doing really bad despite lockdown
D-Vitamin intake is about 2.2 µg
Death rate from the Coronavirus is about 0.05%
Correlation between fish consumption, D-vitamin levels and success in the fight against the Coronavirus
When comparing nations there is a correlation between average D vitamin levels in the blood and mortality rates. The mortality rate is approximately 1000% higher where people have a low D vitamin level in their blood compared to where they have near adequate levels. No nation as a whole has enough, so even the nations doing well could do better.
Looking at the age groups most affected, the relationship may be even clearer. Some nations have a policy to give young people and the elderly D vitamin supplements especially in the form of cod liver oil. Examining this in particular will explain a lot.
The higher the proportion of fat in your body the more Vitamin D you need as some of the vitamin binds to fat and is not available at least not until you burn off that fat again.
The darker your skin is or rather how much your skin complexion repels the UV*** the more Vitamin D supplement you need especially outside of summer and the more you are inside. ****
Please note Vitamin D is stored in the body so your consumption does not have to be so regular. Get informed so that you do not take too much. If your hair is falling out and you are getting bruises that would be a sign to lower your consumption. (A sudden increase in Vitamin D may lead to your bones being rebuilt at a fast rate which might cause temporary problems, that process could be tempered by an increased intake of Vitamin K).
My limited research shows that there is even a greater correlation with fish consumption than with blood vitamin D levels. Countries where fish consumption is above 1 KG per week per person are doing much better. In this case there appears to be a threshold that needs to be reached, so even where average weekly consumption is 850 grams, fatalities can be high.
Nations where fish consumption is above 50 kg per year have had much better success in dealing with the Coronavirus. These are The Maldives, Greenland, Faro Islands, Iceland, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Macao, South Korea, Portugal, Norway, Japan, and Myanmar.
See and
*** 94% of the people who were dying in New York from the Coronavius as of 11 May 2020 where either Black or Latinos. There are no doubt also other factors that contribute to how the burden of the virus affects these groups disproportionately. A study found that 98% of people in the US with severe covid-19 had severe deficiencies of Vitamin D.
**** A friend of mine was surprised she had a low Vitamin D value in her blood even though she was climbing a lot at high elevations in the summer. The simple reason was she was using too much sun protection cream.
What a smart country should do
Get business going again and ask people to take the well known precautions
It is very important to recommend that people take additional measures to stay healthy as these significantly decrease the likelihood of fatalities and severe illness when people do catch the virus, namly
To take cod-liver oil and/or get some sun WITHOUT UV protection
Stop smoking
Stop drug and alcohol consumption
Live healthy but avoid unproven therapies and diets
Encourage the use of basic masks especially in crowded areas such as public transport
Facilitate people working from home where possible
Take advantage of lessons learned from successful countries like Iceland and Taiwan such as:
Following up on the origins of every case and impose self isolation on people who have come in contact with a infected people
Do a lot of testing and not only of people with symptoms
Keep the stores open
Use information rather than harsh measures to keep people save
Open up borders, at least to select countries
Especially countries that have a similar success in dealing with the virus wherever they are in the world (Approve new flight plans without delay) Shorter range airplanes could make longer range trips by refueling at new airports.
Mandate airlines and hotels to be totally flexible so that people can cancel their trips at the last minute if they show symptoms
Make it easy for people to extend their holidays, so they can quarantine in case they catch the virus
Rather than having the borders closed, do tests at the borders and allow people to travel unrestricted if the tests come out negative
Don't be selfish and help other countries especially third world countries by stepping up trade and tourism if at all possible and understand that poor people can not afford to go without work
300 000 people are going to die EACH DAY if we do not respond or change our policies (official figure from the UN World Food Programme) (EN only)
Not from the Virus but from our response to the virus and from our preoccupation with the virus . FROM HUNGER. Most people around the world do not have the luxury of being able to take a brake from everything without dire consequences. They need to be able to go to work and they need to be able to sell their stuff often across country boundaries. *****
Even if there is a significant aid respond this will not in my opinion be able to prevent a lot of these deaths.
More sensible policies are needed to allow economic activity to go on and at the same time reduce the spread of the virus.
All countries need to take part in such a plan for when countries do it alone like Iceland, Taiwan and Vietnam they are back on square one as soon as they open up their borders again and borders need to be opened up.
***** all over the world are guilty of High Street Robbery (EN only)
Politicians are not normally engaged in High Street Robbery but, because of the special situation with the Coronavirus, they have joined this dirty business.
A High Street Robber in the worst case will ruin someone's business and hence affect the livelihood of the employer, the employees and in some way the business customers.
If the business is compensated for example by insurance, it does not mean that no one is affected, for ultimately the insurance is paid back through insurance premiums which everyone ends up paying for.
When the authorities shut businesses without good reasons and without ALL the appropriate measures being taken to reduce the need for such drastic action, they too are engaging in High Street Robbery.
The authorities which close businesses are ruining peoples' businesses and hence affecting the livelihood of the employers, the employees and in some way the business customers.
In the case, the authorities compensate those businesses, they are robbing the hard earned money of other people.
In the case they loan the businesses so they can survive, they are making the employers slaves to those loans.
In the case that the authorities make money available for low or no interest, they are robbing ordinary people of the possibility to earn interest on their savings and at the same time, they are subsidizing the rich who have the collateral to buy up everything including the High Street businesses for less than they are worth.
Some closure might make sense. However,
if authorities are taking these decisions lightly perhaps just to appear to be doing something about the Coronavirus situation,
while not doing everything else they can to increase the capacity of the healthcare system, with better organisation, space, staff and supplies
and not paying attention to minimizing the need for closures (e.g. by in-store social distancing),
then they should be judged guilty of High Street Robbery.
Are we overreacting? (EN only)
In a normal year 300,000 people die from the normal flu world wide even though we tend to have a vaccine that is supposed to help.
From the Coronavirus we only have about 50,000 deaths so far, many of which have other illnesses which are at least co responsible for those deaths (April 2 2020)
(Or is it the other way round. Are the deaths being under-reported, that is reported as deaths from other causes. Even in Italy where more deaths are being reported, the death toll could be as much as 3 times higher. But even if we multiply 50,000 for the whole world in case only 33% of deaths are being counted we are 50% below the death rate of the normal flu. )(Shame on the all the countries that have been under reporting, often because they simply do not test for the Coronavirus post mortem. This inlcudes China, the US, Italy, Spain and probably not less countries like Austria and Germany. We need better figures. We need to be able to estimate for how many people died who where infected with the Coronavirus and then in turn estimate how many of these would have died anyway in a normal year).
The plain numbers suggest a huge over reaction.
Perhaps the difference is that:
the Coronavirus has a tendency to increase the cases of Pneumonia which require more hospital resources
the hospital workers are better monitored so that anyone found to be infected is put on leave resulting in undermanned hospitals
the hospital workers are overworked making them more likely to become seriously ill
the people who would normally stay away from hospitals are so concerned because of the overall reaction in society flood the hospitals but in the case of the normal flu would be dying quietly at home (plus the extra ones that are coming to the hospitals because of the lung inflammation)
the ever increasing air pollution
many people are kept alive but not really living healthy, eating too much simple sugars, smoking, drinking and taking unnecessary drugs (recreational and otherwise)
Does politics play a role, are politicians afraid to be seen doing too little? Are forces that want to buy our shares in companies for less or sell medicine or receive government handouts exaggerating the situation?
In spite of these thoughts you will find good advice on this site to help you deal with the Coronavirus. Much of the advice will be beneficial any way and of course we can not advise individuals not to follow government policy. However we do not shy away from advising the authorities to do what we consider the right thing.
How the Coronavirus spreads with and without extra hygiene and social distancing (EN only)
The average spread of the virus is such that on average a person infected will spread it to 2 to 3 persons. These 2 to 3 persons will spread it to another 6 persons which in turn will spread it to about 16 persons. If this cycle is repeated 17 times at the same rate you will reach about 6 billion. There will however be a point where approximately 2 out of 3 people will already have had the infection in which case one can only infect 0 or 1 (because the other people one would normally infect are already infected) and this means that the infection chain will break. This happens when 60% of the population have been infected or vaccinated (when vaccination has become available).
If we do not take social distancing measures the 2 to 3 person infection rate would continue. With increased hygiene and social distancing measures we can reduce this rate. If we reduce this infection ratio to an incredibly low number so that 10 people would on average only infect 11 people the virus will continue to spread until 9% of the population has been infected.
If social distancing measures are realistically not so successful so that an infected person will spread the virus to 1 to 2 people on average the virus will continue to spread until 33% of the population has been infected.
What the authorities have to do! (EN only)
Unfortunately the virus has spread across the world and each country is at a different stage in how far the virus has spread and that situation is likely to remain.
The problem is that if one country or a group of countries manage to contain the virus, they will be back to square one once they open their borders.
It is too high a price to pay to keep the kind of severe social distances measures for extended periods of time. Common sense tells us it would take more than a year at least. Scientists even though they are working furiously at it only expect a vaccine to be ready in 18 months.
Summary points:
Be transparent as to what is being done and why
Reduce the bad effects to the economy
Reduce the bad effects to people's psychological health
Reduce the bad effects to other aspects of people's health
Make laws that encourage and enable home office, not just now but for the future
Encourage people to take up healthier habits (Reduce simple sugars, encourage exercise, stop smoking and reduce alcohol and all sorts of unnecessary drug consumption)
Take better care of the planet
In the long run no nation will be better off if it monopolize Coronavirus related supplies as in the future people from the other nations will be traveling to that nation seeding the virus again
The problem is a worldwide problem that needs to be tackled as such
Specifically governments need to:
to be more realistic
open borders again at least to countries which have a similar rate of spread
Increase testing capabilities and do at least some control testing, that is testing of the general population irrespective of people showing symptoms or not (it is only possible this way to see the true spread of the virus)
Increase hygiene and unnecessary social contact while the hospitals can not cope
At the same time make some compromises to minimise the negative psychological and negative health effects of these measures
Allow people to go out if they keep a distance
Allow people who are already living together to walk together when outside
Work with businesses to see if they can open again in some way or fashion
Increase the capability of hospitals
Forbid long working hours by medical staff (We can not afford to work them to death)
Train people fast to help in the medical branch
Build hospitals and/or use other facilities such as hotels
Boost the production and/or sourcing of medical supplies
Help other nations to get their supplies and policies in order
Take better care of the planet and ensure biodiversity, wild zones and green zones
Forbid and enforce a ban on burning vegetation for clearance world wide
Deception - governments` responses overall (EN only)
Unfortunately one can not use any other word to describe the overall response to the Corona outbreak.
That does not mean that it is only about deception but that deception has played a large part, especially at different stages.
It is pretty clear that the original outbreak in China in November 2019 was downplayed for far too long and that this is now again the case in Wuhan China. It is incomprehensible why this is being done as the truth is bound to leak out which will undermine the support for the authorities. Furthermore it is dangerous fake news for the rest of the world, where leaders might think the Virus is more controllable then it really is.
It is also clear that countries like Germany (even though they did quite a bit of testing) and Austria had either let their guard down or were deliberately not informing the public of what was happening. The authorities in Tirol were and are still in denial about their lack of follow up to the official report from Iceland (with evidence from many Nordic countries) that skiers were coming back from the skiing area Ischgl, Austria infected with the Coronavirus. It has been suggested that UKs Case 0 came from there.
Another problem is that figures from around the world are not comparable. In China only people with symptoms are counted (fortunately these people are still put into quarantine. In America early tests were in some cases forbidden even when experts were begging to do them. Doctors have been instructed not to test people with critical symptoms (these people can still be treated but are apparently not counted). Many western countries could be seen dragging their feet in doing tests. Iceland was the first country to start doing random tests - this is what is needed world wide. When it comes to the death count the situation is even more complicated. Most people who are killed by the Virus are also suffering from other illnesses and/or would have been killed by a normal flu.
It would be good to synchronize on an international level on how the counting is done?
Isn't time to listen more to the actual doctors than the spin doctors and then use a big dosage of common sense to make the right decisions and to keep the public informed.
Another form of deception is when we are made to believe that the current measures will work. And /or when we are kept in the dark about how much uncertainty there is especially about the timing of measures such as curfews.
As nations - Are we doing wrong? What can be done? (EN only)
The sheer number of people dying may be not so bad.
In a normal year about 300,000 people die from the normal flu in a period of a few months. As of March 25th only 20,000 are recorded as having died from the Coronavirus, many of which might have died anyway within a relatively short time frame from other illnesses they were suffering from.
So are we panicking for no reason?
Would the hospitals be coping if it were not for the huge publicity?
Or is the seriousness of this outbreak dependent on the region? Is it the combination of pollution and/or climate and the virus and not just the virus itself?
It is hard to judge.
Some experts are suggesting that the proportional death rate may be 10 times higher with this virus than the normal flu. This would surely stretch the hospital systems.
But can we really stop the virus? SARS was stopped before it became a worldwide epidemic. WHO is saying it can still be stopped.
Is the cost of stopping it worth it, even if it is possible?
Those are the type of questions that experts and the politicians that rely on them need to be asking themselves.
Taiwan has managed to contain the virus. But they were already scanning visitors from suspected areas for fever as early as December 2019.
Some common sense recommendations:
Make sure the necessary equipment is produced or sourced and their use prioritized. Tests, ventilators, masks, gloves etc
Do random tests or even test everybody.
Do not swap one cause of death for another, or one illness for another. Ordering everybody to stay indoors will surely increase the occurrence of Multiple Sclerosis and Osteoporosis that are linked to vitamin-D deficiency. The increased stress caused by the whole situation, lack of contact (especially physical contact) is bound to have some negative health consequences. These problems need to be addressed and at the very minimum noted and registered.
Do not let doctors work insane hours, find other solutions; employ other help to reduce the load on the skilled.
Some people and companies with the most resources, even politicians will be taking advantage of the situation and creating local panics and betting with stocks and options. Something needs to be done about this. Journalists should be aware of being manipulated. More transparency is needed.
Encourage people to live healthier in order to reduce other illnesses that are co-responsible for people's deaths. Many of which have a direct relation on deaths and problems associated with the virus. Smoking, obesity, lack of fiber consumption, lack of D-vitamin are obvious areas to address now.
All travel restrictions reduce the amount of contact but only delay the problem. Only apply if absolutely necessary e.g. because of overwhelmed hospitals. In the end travel restrictions will have to be eased and with different success rates from around the world, people will be entering the countries again with the virus and we will be back to square one.
Monitor peoples temperature and encourage people to self monitor.
Recognize that this is an emergency situation but react sensibly. Profits, fortunes and the livelihood of ordinary people are being erased or badly affected. If you put extra demands on some that really help, you may be reducing the suffering of many others. Hotels could for example be converted to healthcare facilities.
It is not about being seen as doing something but about being seen as having done the right things in the end. The truth will come out.
Carry on business as normal, as much as possible.
Make long term plans to improve the quality of life on this planet. Take care of the planet's nature.
We should not need a Noah's flood to realize we have been heading in the wrong direction.
Do not spread the Coronavirus to others
Follow your government / community directions.
If you have symptoms or if you have been in contact with a person that has
put yourself in self quarantine
If you go out among people
wear a mask
keep your distance from other people, at least 1.5 m
wear gloves and don't sneeze into them or touch your face with them
The greatest long term threat is not from the Virus itself
It is a known fact that people's risk of death is substantially increased when they are subject to more stress, such as the loss of a loved one, loss of employment, moving or divorce. Not only do the extra ordinary circumstances lead to these situation but even just the uncertainty and all the fuss about the virus causes stress. Some people are more affected than others, and without physical contact we are at a challenge to help them.
So take care of yourself and help others and not just from the virus itself.
Avoid giving or receiving unnecessary negativity and consider meditation, music or some other positive activities to bring your stress down, and for your loved ones and anyone you can help.
Assume you and other people even without symptoms might already have it
The problem is that for example for young people, less than 2% show symptoms and in many countries, only people with symptoms are being tested. So it is save to assume that a lot more people have the virus than is commonly acknowledged.
In the western world at least 9 out of 10 are likely to be un- diagnosed.
Isolate the elderely and those physically vulnerable, but stay in contact by phone etc
You should not visit the elderly or vulnerable even if you are without symptoms. Stay instead in contact by phone and online.
You should help elderly people and people belonging to risk groups by e.g. shopping for them. Remember to keep your distance when delivering the groceries.
Stop smoking
Many of the places hardest hit by the virus, especially those resulting in deaths have been in areas with moderate to heavy pollution.
99.9 of those who have died have had other illnesses.
The link between smoking and other illnesses is clear and by smoking you are basically creating your own pollution and to some extent you may be polluting for the people around you.
Grab the opportunity and ...
Do not drink alcohol
Alcohol under 60% has very little effect on viruses
Alcohol over 60% will kill you when consumed. Over 700 Iranians tried it out and DIED
Consuming any alcohol may appear to make you sleep deeper but the problem is you do not rest as well and you need maximum rest to fight the virus
So do not drink Alcohol
Simple Ice machines are notorious places not only for bacteria but also for viruses
Many bars do not have a high enough standard of hygiene. The cloth used to try the glasses may transfer the virus to a lot of glasses and ultimately customers.
A very large percentage of cases in Scandinavia can be traced to a single bar in Austria.
Make sure your bar has an extremely high level of hygiene or avoid ice and soft drinks in bars in addition to alcohol.
Stay hydrated
Your body needs to be kept hydrated. But do not be fooled into a false sense of security that gurgling or drinking water at certain temperature will protect you.
Monitor your temperature
Plot your temperature twice daily. Even an otherwise symptom-less coronavirus is usually accompanied with a rise in temperature. But be aware that there are natural fluctuations in body temperature depending on the time of day, season and for women at different times of the month.
Wash your hands thoroughly with soap
Learn how to wash your hands thoroughly using soap. Soap is antiviral and will wash the virus off your hands.
Wash your hands frequently, and especially when returning from places where you might have gotten in contact with the virus, when returning from shopping, and before handling food or drinks
Avoid physical contact with people
Consider the chain of infection. If you are in close contact with people who are in close contact with other people who are in contact with other people or even people who are in contact with a lot of people you will put yourself and those who have not yet been infected at a great risk!
Reduce all sorts of stress
Stress can be a killer. Don't kill yourself or stress someone else to death or into a serious condition.
Do not be fooled by quackery
Maybe some none sensible solutions make you feel better, but please do not spread these around for it is not good if people get a false sense of security from nonsense spread over the Internet. Spread this URL instead and help correct this article.
Do physical exercise sensibly
Gyms with weight equipment are difficult places even if you keep your distance as the equipment has smooth surfaces that are ideal for the spread of the virus as you probably can not keep you hands away from your face. Same goes for shared exercise mats etc
If your community allows it walking in the nature or in sparsely crowed areas may be a good idea.
There is some concern that if you are hiking and something happens the rescue services may be so busy that they may not have enough resources to rescue in time and even if they do the hospitals may not be able to take good care of you. So you might want to avoid high risk activity.
Obesity is a big contributor to death. If your normal direct or indirect exercise activities are curtailed then it is important to find some replacement exercises, e.g. at home exercises and possibly reduce your caloric intake too even though the circumstances may be pushing you in the opposite direction.
Of course when one is already sick one should not do exercise and really rest.
No matter how fit you are it is always possible to do too much making you more prone to illnesses including the Coronavirus.
Use technology to organize workflow, and perform physical meetings online
Video conferencing, telephone, WhatsApp, Kanban boards, shared documents etc can all be used intelligently to replace physical meetings.
Work from home
If you are a boss or government policy maker; Make it possible. If you are an employee ask for it. If your work can not be done from home, go to work but observe the points made here on this site.
Work reasonable hours
If you are working way too many hours you are not only endangering yourself but also others around you as you are more likely to get sick, to spread the disease and to take up much needed resources.
Working extra long hours may be sustainable for a short period of time. But it is already clear the fight against the Coronavirus is likely to take some time. So forget about working extra long hours. This applies not least to medical workers. Keep in mind that whoever needs you that once you are dead you are of no use. So make sure you take care of yourself. If you are a politician or hospital administrator, enforce this and make other resources available. Have people trained fast to help reduce the work load of the skilled.
Shop sensibly
It may be a good idea not having to go all the time to the store. But please do not contribute to the crisis by panic buying which causes severe shortages. Don't be greedy.
Help the elderely get deliveries
Offer to shop for the elderly. Offer to leave the shopped items outside their door.
Be socially responsible with masks
With the worlds shortage of surgical masks it is desirable that you only use them if you are coughing yourself or you are in a medical environment or taking care or in close contact with a person that is suspected of having covid-19 or you are in frequent contact with people e.g. as a cashier.
Surgical masks are better but normal masks help too. Try to make the fit relatively tight, replace masks and dispose of them properly once they have gotten damp or if they are washable, wash them at 60 degrees. Wash your hands prior to putting your mask on and avoid touching it and if you can wash your hands before and after having touched the mask. Be aware that masks may reduce your air intake while doing sports which if you are not careful could kill you.
If you are someone that can make a difference to do with the masks and other vital equipment switch resources and production to these items and it does not have to be free. There is nothing wrong with being reimbursed for a useful service, only that way will we get the quantity needed!
Use single-use tissues to cover your cough or sneeze
Or sneeze or cough into the crane of your elbow.
Keep your fingers away from your face
You are most likely to get infected with direct touch, or via surfaces that you touch that have also been touched by an infected person or by tiny droplets brought into the air from a sneeze or cough.
Get some Sun or "Sun in a bottle"
When we eat a balanced diet, the only vitamin we need additionally is D-Vitamin. The body can create this itself when exposed to the sun. However with our modern indoor way of life we are not getting enough. When the authorities prevent us from going outside by way of curfews that makes the situation even worse. The darker your complexion the worse you are affected. D-Vitamin is important for the development of the brain and to keep your bones strong among other things. So get whatever sun you can, go out if you are allowed without mixing with more people, get some sun on your balcony or through an open window or buy "sun in a bottle".
Fish liver oil, e.g. cod liver oil is "sun in a bottle", it does not taste good but is good for you. It also has A-Vitamin and Omega-3 oil. It is the total amount you get over a time that matters, so if you take more one day, it is OK if you forget it another. Be careful not to take too much. Bruises and you shedding more hair is a sign of that.
Scientists are suggesting that the higher death rate in Spain and Italy may be because the people in these countries actually take in less sun as their complexions tend to be darker and they apply more UV protection. Indeed these countries do not ensure that the elderly get enough D Vitamin in winter. UV protection may protect your skin from cancer but it increases your changes of being killed by all other cancers and the coronavirus.
Do not go overboard with disinfectants
Many disinfectants are a waste of money because they were designed to fight bacteria have no affect on viruses.
Normal soap is the most effective as it destroys the protein envelope around the virus, without which the Coronavirus breaks up and becomes unable to enter cells
Even though 60% Alcohol, Isa-Propanol or methanol will kill the virus, the proportion may need to be 95% so that when diluted by the fat in your skin it remains effective, but at such high concentrations it may injure your skin giving the virus subsequently easy access to your body. Good disinfectants therefore also contain glycerol to protect your skin from the active ingredient.
Methanol is so poisonous that it has been mostly banned in windows cleaners.
Triclosan is in many disinfectant soaps. It is totally useless against the Coronavirus. It is so poisonous that it has been banned in many places even as a pesticide.
Be aware that good disinfectants tend to be very flammable.
A Norwegian study has shown that those that keep a super clean home with the help of substances such as disinfectants damage their lungs as much as smokers.
Real disinfectants are best used where they are really needed, i.e. in hospitals.
Our recommendation: use soap and water.
Consider the strategy your government is pursuing
Some governments are really tried to halt the spread of the disease, relatively early. E.g. China, South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Iceland. Some other countries kept the reported numbers down either deliberately, or are for some other reason restricted tests. Just because they don't test does not mean they are did better, it could be quite contradictory.
Keep working if you can
We are in this situation for the long haul. If you are lucky enough to still have work, keep it. It is very important for your long term health to keep your job .
It is so sad to hear about people jeopardizing their jobs because of hysteria. Most car factories in the western world closed down because the demand for cars dropped , but despite there being enough demand for vans, employees for a van manufacture in Spain refused to work. For people who are loosing their jobs it is incomprehensible that people would not grab the opportunity to work when they can.
Be careful with anti-inflammatory drugs
In general, anti inflammatory drugs may be doing more damage than good especially for people infected by Covid-19 as it suppresses some of peoples own body defenses. This applies e.g. to Ibufin. Asperin which is not anti-inflammatory but which many people take was thought to be so harmless that it was even recommended for people with no heart problems to take as a precautionary measures. New research has shown this was a mistake. We can not contradict your doctor but make sure he gives you the best advice.
Beware of drugs
Opiates (pain killers) are killing more people than traffic accidents in many countries and much of it is coming from prescriptions from normal doctors. Please don't go down that path.
Although cannabis may be legal in more regions, it is obviously destroying or making the lives worse for many people.
Consider going straight edge. Enjoying the world as it is and as it will recover. Live your own life without addictions, small and big. Just be addicted to life itself. Help create joy for you and others.
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